• 고객센터
  • 교육
  • 매뉴얼
  • 데모
  • 제품소개
조회 수 : 3986
2009.11.05 (11:44:42)
첨부 파일을 참고 하시기 바랍니다.
전화연락을 따로 드리도록 하겠습니다.


>게시판을 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다.
>다음양식에 맞게 입력해주세요.
>* 고객시스템명 : 르노캐피탈 리스시스템
>* TOInB 버전 : ?? 시작 시 로그가 다음과 같음.
>##### TB_svcd Started VER ( ###########
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<22008> 09/11/03 23:53:38] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>* 서버 Platform : UNIX, HP-UX 11
>* 문의 유형(질문/요청/참조) : 질문
>* 내용 :
>메일로 보냈더니 계속 반송되네요. 빠른 답변 부탁드립니다.
>안녕하세요. 삼성SDS 정인양입니다.
>제가 있는 사이트(르노캐피탈)에서 Toinb 서비스를 사용하고 있는데 서비스 로그에서
>다음과 같은 에러가 발생합니다.
>[09/11/04-11:29:40 cti_crd903t_s01(644)] ======== CRD903T - 독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 END =======
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<23976> 09/11/04 11:29:45] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>[<23976> 09/11/04 11:29:45] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cti_crd903t_s01],control[O:output=output], protocol[2110]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(42)] S_INPUT100 = [R]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(43)] S_INPUT101 = [05]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(44)] S_INPUT102 = [ik000021]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(45)] S_INPUT103 = [11201108000147]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(46)] S_INPUT104 = [I]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(47)] S_INPUT105 = [20101230]
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(67)] ======== CRD903T -독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 START =======
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(105)] output bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(372)] output_f bo_row ======= 1
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(413)] output_l bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(432)] output_c bo_row ======= 8
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(490)] output_g bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(527)] output_i bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(570)] output_p bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(616)] output_n bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:29:45 cti_crd903t_s01(644)] ======== CRD903T - 독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 END =======
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>[<23972> 09/11/04 11:30:10] [SE-36612:toinb] ERROR: Control 정보 Packet을 받는데 실패했습니다.[<23976>(Value t o09/11/04
> 11:30:10 send: 1] 2byte, Sent value: 0byte)[SE-3661
>2:toinb] [<23972>E RROR: 09/11/04 11:30:10Control 정보 Packet을 받는데 실패했습니다.] (Value to send: 1[SE-356328byte, S
>e:toinb] nEt value:RROR:  Request 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.0byte)
>[<23972>[<23976>  09/11/04 11:30:1009/11/04 11:30:10] ] GetReq re[SE-3563t[0], sv8c:toinb] _name[],EcRROR: ontrol[(Reque
>st 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.NULL)
>], protoc[<23976>ol[0]
>09/11/04 11:30:10] [<23972>GetReq r e09/11/04 11:30:10t[0], sv] cAfter pr_name[],occess_tasontrol[(kNULL)() retur], prot
>onc TB_KILLol[0]
>[<23976> 09/11/04 11:30:10] After process_task() return TB_KILL !!
>[<23972> 09/11/04 11:30:10] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<6263> 09/11/04 11:30:10] [SVCD-26306:toinb] ERROR: Child가 Fail로 끝나서 재시작 합니다.(1 th Child)
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGTERM].
>[<23976> 09/11/04 11:30:10] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<6263> 09/11/04 11:30:10] [SVCD-26306:toinb] ERROR: Child가 Fail로 끝나서 재시작 합니다.(0 th Child)
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGTERM].
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:30:10] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<24459> 09/11/04 11:30:10] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[ACMM_USER_LOG],control[I:input1=tbds_userlog], protocol[2110]
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[],control[(NULL)], protocol[2220]
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] COMMIT
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<24459> 09/11/04 11:34:37] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cla056t_s02],control[O:output=out], protocol[2220]
>[09/11/04-11:34:37 cla056t_s02(6)] 중도해지 시뮬레이션 조회02!!!
>[<24459> 09/11/04 11:34:37] COMMIT
>[<24459> 09/11/04 11:34:37] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cla056t_s04],control[O:output=out], protocol[2220]
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] COMMIT
>[<24458> 09/11/04 11:34:37] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:01] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:01] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cti_crd903t_s01],control[O:output=output], protocol[2110]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(42)] S_INPUT100 = [R]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(43)] S_INPUT101 = [05]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(44)] S_INPUT102 = [ik000021]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(45)] S_INPUT103 = [11201108000147]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(46)] S_INPUT104 = [I]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(47)] S_INPUT105 = [20091109]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(67)] ======== CRD903T -독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 START =======
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(105)] output bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(372)] output_f bo_row ======= 1
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(413)] output_l bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(432)] output_c bo_row ======= 8
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(490)] output_g bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(527)] output_i bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(570)] output_p bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(616)] output_n bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(644)] ======== CRD903T - 독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 END =======
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-36612:toinb] ERROR: Control 정보 Packet을 받는데 실패했습니다.(Value to send: 12byte, Se
>nt value: 0byte)
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-35638:toinb] ERROR: Request 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] GetReq ret[0], svc_name[],[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-36612:toinb] ERROR: Control 정보 P
>acket을 받는데 실패했습니다.(Value to send: 12byte, Sent value: 0byte)
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-35638:toinb] ERROR: Request 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] GetReq ret[0], svc_name[],control[(NULL)], protocol[0]
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(105)] output bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(372)] output_f bo_row ======= 1
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(413)] output_l bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(432)] output_c bo_row ======= 8
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(490)] output_g bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(527)] output_i bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(570)] output_p bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(616)] output_n bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:40 cti_crd903t_s01(644)] ======== CRD903T - 독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 END =======
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:24:48] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:24:48] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cti_crd903t_s01],control[O:output=output], protocol[2110]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(42)] S_INPUT100 = [R]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(43)] S_INPUT101 = [05]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(44)] S_INPUT102 = [ik000021]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(45)] S_INPUT103 = [11201108000147]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(46)] S_INPUT104 = [I]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(47)] S_INPUT105 = [20091110]
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(67)] ======== CRD903T -독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 START =======
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(105)] output bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(372)] output_f bo_row ======= 1
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(413)] output_l bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(432)] output_c bo_row ======= 8
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(490)] output_g bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(527)] output_i bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(570)] output_p bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(616)] output_n bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:24:48 cti_crd903t_s01(644)] ======== CRD903T - 독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 END =======
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:01] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:01] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cti_crd903t_s01],control[O:output=output], protocol[2110]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(42)] S_INPUT100 = [R]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(43)] S_INPUT101 = [05]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(44)] S_INPUT102 = [ik000021]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(45)] S_INPUT103 = [11201108000147]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(46)] S_INPUT104 = [I]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(47)] S_INPUT105 = [20091109]
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(67)] ======== CRD903T -독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 START =======
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(105)] output bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(372)] output_f bo_row ======= 1
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(413)] output_l bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(432)] output_c bo_row ======= 8
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(490)] output_g bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(527)] output_i bo_row ======= 2
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(570)] output_p bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(616)] output_n bo_row ======= 0
>[09/11/04-11:25:01 cti_crd903t_s01(644)] ======== CRD903T - 독촉대상관리조회서비스-기본정보 END =======
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGSEGV].
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-36612:toinb] ERROR: Control 정보 Packet을 받는데 실패했습니다.(Value to send: 12byte, Se
>nt value: 0byte)
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-35638:toinb] ERROR: Request 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] GetReq ret[0], svc_name[],[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-36612:toinb] ERROR: Control 정보 P
>acket을 받는데 실패했습니다.(Value to send: 12byte, Sent value: 0byte)
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-35638:toinb] ERROR: Request 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] GetReq ret[0], svc_name[],control[(NULL)], protocol[0]
>[<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] After process_task() return TB_KILL !!
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-36612:toinb] ERROR: Control 정보 Packet을 받는데 실패했습니다.(Value to send: 12byte, Se
>nt value: [<21917> 09/11/04 11:25:09] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<6263> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SVCD-26306:toinb] ERROR: Child가 Fail로 끝나서 재시작 합니다.(0 th Child)
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGTERM].
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SE-35638:toinb] ERROR: Request 정보 중 Control 정보를 받는데 실패했습니다.
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:25:09] GetReq ret[0], svc_name[],control[(NULL)], protocol[0]
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:25:09] After process_task() return TB_KILL !!
>control[(NULL)], protocol[0]
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] After process_task() return TB_KILL !!
>[<21620> 09/11/04 11:25:09] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<6263> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SVCD-26306:toinb] ERROR: Child가 Fail로 끝나서 재시작 합니다.(1 th Child)
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGTERM].
>[<21617> 09/11/04 11:25:09] COMMUNICATE FINISH
>[<6263> 09/11/04 11:25:09] [SVCD-26306:toinb] ERROR: Child가 Fail로 끝나서 재시작 합니다.(4 th Child)
>TOINB SE is Terminated by SIGNAL[SIGTERM].
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<22095> 09/11/04 11:25:09] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>####### TB_se_ora Started [STATIC] #######
>[<22096> 09/11/04 11:25:09] Load 0[tbl_4.]-->result[0]
>[<22096> 09/11/04 11:25:10] GetReq ret[1], svc_name[cti_crd903t_s01],control[O:output=output], protocol[2110]
>[09/11/04-11:25:10 cti_crd903t_s01(42)] S_INPUT100 = [R]
>[09/11/04-11:25:10 cti_crd903t_s01(43)] S_INPUT101 = [05]
>[09/11/04-11:25:10 cti_crd903t_s01(44)] S_INPUT102 = [ik000021]
>[09/11/04-11:25:10 cti_crd903t_s01(45)] S_INPUT103 = [11201108000147]
>평소에 운영로그에서도 종종 나타나고 있습니다. 개발환경에서는 해당 서비스를 빠른속도로 계속 호출할 경우에 나타나는 것 같습니다.
>정확치는 않지만 예상으로는 먼저 호출된 서비스에 대한 응답을 받기 전에 같은 서비스를 다시 호출해서 생기는 문제같습니다.
>(참고로 JSP-Toinb (API)-Toinb Service-Tmax 호출의 형태로 진행됩니다.)
>해당 원인 및 해결 방법에 대한 부분도 알려주시기 바랍니다.
>첨부파일로 해당 toinb 서비스 소스 및 설정파일 보내드립니다. 더 필요한 자료가 있으시면 연락주세요.
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